More extensive construction work in March and April 2025
Between March and April 2025, extensive construction work will be carried out on several sections of line in the VRR area, which will restrict train services. Passengers on the S 1, S 4, S 6 and RE 42 lines are among those affected by the construction work.
The details are given below:
Lines RE 1, RE 6, RE 11, RE 16, RB 32, RB 40, RB 41, RB 46, S 1, S 2 - route Essen Hbf and Dortmund Hbf:
Friday, 28/02/2025 (21:00) to Friday, 25/04/2025 (21:00):
Numerous lines have diversions, partial cancellations or stop cancellations on this section of the route. Further information on this construction site and the associated cancellations and replacement services can be found in our separate message.
RE 42 lines - Duisburg Hbf - Gelsenkirchen Hbf route:
Sunday, 30.03.2025 (14:41) to Sunday, 13.04.2025 (16:41):
- Trains on the RE 42 line in the direction of Mönchengladbach Hbf have cancelled stops between Gelsenkirchen Hbf and Duisburg Hbf. Buses from the rail replacement service will be running. The trains also stop between Gelsenkirchen Hbf and Duisburg Hbf in Essen-Altenessen and Oberhausen Hbf.
Line S 4 - Dortmund Stadthaus - Unna-Königsborn route:
Monday, 31 March 2025 (04:00 hrs) to Monday, 14 April 2025 (04:00 hrs):
- Trains on the S 4 line will be cancelled between Dortmund-Stadthaus and Unna-Königsborn. Buses from the rail replacement service will run between Dortmund-Stadthaus and Unna-Königsborn.
Construction work on the S 1 line
Friday, 07.03.2025 (20:30) until Friday, 25.04.2025 (05:00):
- The trains on the S 1 line will be cancelled during the nights and throughout the weekends between Düsseldorf Hbf and Solingen Hbf. Rail replacement buses will run with all stops between Düsseldorf Hbf and Solingen Hbf. There is also an express bus service.
Friday, 07.03.2025 (20:45) to Monday, 10.03.2025 (05:00);
Friday, 21/03/2025 (20:45) to Monday, 24/03/2025 (05:00);
Friday, 11.04.2025 (20:45) to Monday, 14.04.2025 (05:00):
- Trains on the S 6 line will be cancelled between Langenfeld and Düsseldorf Hbf. Rail replacement buses will run between Langenfeld and Düsseldorf Hbf.
Monday, 10.03.2025 (05:00) until Friday, 21.03.2025 (20:45);
Monday, 24 March 2025 (05:00) to Friday, 11 April 2025 (20:45):
- The Düsseldorf-Oberbilk stop is cancelled on the S 6 line. From Monday to Friday, buses will run as rail replacement services. On Saturday and Sunday, please refer to the buses of the rail replacement service on line S 1.
Monday, 10.03.2025 to Friday, 11.04.2025, between 05:00 and 20:40 in each case:
- Trains on the S 1 line will have the Düsseldorf-Oberbilk stop cancelled from Mondays to Fridays. Buses from the rail replacement service will operate.
Direction Solingen:
Sunday, 30.03.2025 to Wednesday, 02.04.2025 (between 05:00 and 21:00); Saturday, 05.04.2025 to Saturday, 12.04.2025 (between 06:00 and 06:25):
Direction Dortmund:
Monday, 14/04/2025 to Wednesday, 16/04/2025 (in each case between 05:00 and 21:00):
- Trains on the S 1 line will have the Mülheim Hbf stop cancelled. Taxis from the rail replacement service will run between Mülheim West and Mülheim Hbf. The trains will also stop in Mülheim West.
Direction Solingen:
Wednesday, 02.04.2025 (21:00 to 23:40); Thursday, 03.04.2025 (01:50 to 02:10 and 04:45 to 05:20):
- The trains on the S 1 line have cancelled stops between Duisburg main station and Duisburg-Großenbaum. Rail replacement service taxis will run between Duisburg Hbf and Duisburg-Buchholz and between Duisburg-Schlenk and Duisburg-Großenbaum.
Direction Dortmund:
Thursday, 03.04.2025 (05:20 to 21:10):
- Trains on the S 1 line have cancelled stops between Mülheim Hbf and Duisburg-Großenbaum (Mülheim-Styrum, Duisburg-Schlenk and Duisburg-Buchholz). As a replacement, taxis from the rail replacement service will run between Mülheim West and Mülheim-Styrum, Duisburg Hbf and Duisburg-Buchholz as well as Duisburg-Schlenk and Duisburg-Großenbaum. The trains will also stop in Mülheim West.
General information on SPNV roadworks
You can find the current construction sites on our website under Construction sites.
Further information on the individual lines, such as replacement timetables and information on bus departure stops, can be found here:
The timetable changes are included in the VRR and DB online timetable information before the start of the construction work.
Tickets are not available on the buses. Tickets for buses and trains can be purchased online via the app or at the stations (not at the bus stops) from the ticket machines or in the customer centres.